Colsterworth Medical Practice


We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.

Appointments advice

We use a system called AccuRx which is an easy and fast way to ask for any kind of help from the practice. Available mornings and we respond during working...

NHS health information

There is plenty of information to help you manage your health on the NHS website. These buttons will take you to different sections of NHS and you can look up...

Repeat prescriptions

Patients may obtain repeat prescriptions by written request to the practice, assuming that the general practitioner has previously agreed that this facility is medically appropriate. Patients offered the facility of...

Self care

Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a...

Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 15th November, 2014